
Thank you for participating in the 2024 LENS Survey!

The Columbia Lived Experiences and Needs of Students (LENS) Survey is a joint effort between Columbia Health, CUIMC Student Health on Haven, and University Life. Combining the previous ACHA-NCHA survey and Columbia Well-being survey, the LENS Survey seeks to assess student experiences and needs across three axes: physical & mental well-being, sexual respect, and connection & belonging.

Check back for updates in Spring 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Survey Information

We are analyzing survey data and will share key findings in the Spring 2025 semester.

Search for an email from Qualtrics/Isobar ([email protected]). It will look like this:

Screenshot of email from the LENS Survey

This survey asks about various aspects of your well-being and other related experiences, including physical health; mental health; safety & security; connection & belonging; and campus resources. 

There is one required question (academic school/college affiliation), and you may skip any other question(s) you do not wish to answer.

This is an opportunity for you to share your lived experiences regarding your health & well-being as a Columbia student and to inform resources, policies, programming, and services for current and future Columbia students.

Your responses are confidential and your identity cannot be associated with your answers. Isobar is a professional survey administrator using an encrypted Qualtrics platform that will protect the privacy of your responses. Qualtrics/Isobar will provide Columbia with de-identified data when the survey process is complete.  No one from Columbia will ever have access to data that is connected to your name,  email address, or other identifying information.

For technical support, contact the Qualtrics/Isobar team at [email protected]. If you have general questions or concerns, reach out to the Columbia survey team at [email protected].

Gift Card Information

After completing the survey, you should have been redirected to the Qualtrics platform to claim your gift card. All drawings and gift card distribution will be handled by Qualtrics/Isobar using their incentives platform, BHN Rewards. A valid email address is required to claim your gift card. You are not required to use
your Columbia email address, and this email address is in no way connected to your survey responses.

If you claimed your gift card after completing the survey, check your email’s spam folder for the delivery email. If you were not redirected after completing the survey, reach out to Qualtrics/Isobar for a new link.

Here's what your $10 gift card reward email will look like:

screenshot of reward email

Each week, 3 winners will be randomly chosen to receive a $50, $100, or $200 gift card. Winners can choose
their gift card from a wide list of available vendors, including Apple, Amazon, Delta, and more.

Once you claim your $10 gift card, you are automatically entered into the weekly prize drawings. All survey
respondents who have not previously won a prize are eligible for each drawing. Complete your survey early
for more chances to win.

This survey has been reviewed and approved by the Columbia University Institutional Review Board. Columbia University IRB Protocol AAAU8610.